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A B O U T  A T E L I E R  M O E



Hello! My name is Mae.

Atelier Moe is a website dedicated to doll collecting, especially anime style vinyl dolls, but also other types of dolls. I am a doll photography enthusiast, as well as a face up artist. I accept face up commissions as well as a private, full doll sale system called "Choix de Rêve" (coming soon). I also produce daily dolly content on instagram, and occasionnal YouTube video unboxing, DIY and behind the scenes.


Are these your dolls?

Most dolls pictured are from my own collection. Some of them have been sold in the past. Dolls for sale are listed in the "sales" tab on my instagram.


Where can I buy these dolls?

I'm regularly selling doll heads with my custom face ups so keep an eye on my instagram!


If you are located in Europe, you can get most dolls from Volks friends shops : Papattes Store (FR), Dolls.moe (ES), or Sakura Dreams Doll (UK). If you are in the US or other places, check Volks USA and Volks International. If you want a full set custom doll without troubling yourself with complicated orders, you can also use our private sale system "Choix de Rêve" coming soon!